About the Author:
Kim Hanks is the author of Save The Best For Last, a fantasy adventure debut from the author! Critics have compared this book to an example of hugely popular genres and reality in the novelists craft and have described it as a strong, good, and multi layered fantasy adventure written with a hand that is both sure and light.
Kim has a full time job and is a graduate of Cambridge International College with a degree in Human Resource Management. He lives in Dubai.
For more information please visit his website at http://www.kimhanks.net/
About the Book:
Zwick Lamps, a secret admirer to Whitney Barnes, got targeted by a genius son of the past evil family that had lived in Green Oasis Town. However, it was once before that Zwick had finally discovered his supernatural powers that were only known by the isolated old woman Tabitha, a misfortuned lady whose husband died on their wedding day.
I was able to get Kim to agree to an interview. Here are his answers:
Could you please tell us a little about your book?
My novel save the best for last is a fantasy adventure saga; it's the first in the series. This book is set in Green Oasis Town. Zwick is the major character in the book; he had supernatural abilities that were only known by the unknown woman. He later becomes attracted to a girl who obviously wasn't destined to be with him. After experiencing the tragedy, Zwick had to do everything in his powers to stop history from repeating its self.
Who or what is the inspiration behind this book?
It was during a day dream when I got the aspect of this book unfolding in my minds; it only began with two characters. Immediately I knew this was a novel event as the idea continued pouring in visually. Despite of my literature back ground, by then I was also a creative writing student. So as a person who loved writing, this was the right time for me to take it on the professional level.
Who has influenced you throughout your career as a writer?
Apart from my creative teacher who encouraged me through it, several authors whose work I never miss up to now, like Stephen king, Jk Rowling, though their several other new authors whose work I enjoy reading these days, they have influenced me so much because I feel that spirit to work hard so that I can produce smart work similar to theirs.
What are you currently working on?
Right now, I'm working on the sequel of save the best for last and I have just finished two single title projects in the editing process.
Do you have any advice for writers or readers?
Believing in your work is vital to any author, if you don't trust it, nobody will. Keeping reading and don't forget to write something every day. It will help you to recognize advancements in your writing craft as you writing career goes on.
What do you feel sets this book apart from others in the same genre?
Frankly, anyone who like reading fantasy and those who enjoy cross genre books, I mean book with elements from other genres. Then my book is a must read for them because it lights logical and unforeseen twists and turns within its inherent concept.
What is your favorite past time?
When not writing or reading? Then obviously I will be attending acting classes which I only go for during my free time. But I'm no exception, I watch movies too, I like those drives around as well answering emails and meeting my friends relieves me.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Yes! Anytime my book Save the Best For Last may appear on the silver screen as movie proposals have started coming in, but no deal has been confirmed.
SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR '09 will officially begin on March 2 and end on March 31. You can visit Kim's blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/ in March to find out more about this great book and talented author!As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.
5 years ago
Movie proposals? Good luck, Kim! And good luck on the final leg of your virtual book tour!
Thanks to Zensanity for hosting me!
Thanks Dorothy for stopping by.
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