Constantly reinventing herself, Carol Sue Gershman attened the Miami Dade College Memoir Class and decided that she would turn her two and a half page "Adventure in Love Story" into a book. Never having written before, it was passion that drove her each day to write.
After spending 25 years in New York City, she was one of the first to arrive into the new phenomenon of Miami Beach (South Beach) She is presently writing her next book while working on laws to ban smoking in residential buildings.
Now at 73 she will take her completed book back on the road re-living the cities and states visited on the road trip. You might just see her driving her hot yellow mustang convertible packed with books, hats and what it takes for life on the road.
Could you please tell us a little about your book?
My book is primarily a sizzling love story between a passionate, fun loving, interracial , late 60 year old couple. It is a story about life; marriage, children, grandchildren, race, sex, travel, obsession, dormant talents, facelifts and birthday parties, all told in flashbacks. Long over due, I candidly tell what it took to cross the racial boundry at 69, and passionate late life sex.
Did something specific happen to prompt you to write this book?
Yes, my lover walked out on me and I wanted him back. I was obsessed with that thought and it kept me glued to the computer for 9 months morning noon and night. I wanted to shock him with the book, realize our mistakes and go back together again.
Who or what is the inspiration behind this book?
Unquestionably, he was.
Who is your biggest supporter?
At the beginning it was one of my class mates. Then my girlfriends supported me all of the way never tiring of listening to my writings and critiquing them.
Your biggest critic?
my ex- husband....great feedback
What cause are you most passionate about and why?
Banning smoking especially in condo buildings where residents are helpless in their own homes. I had to leave my beautiful home that I owned in Miami (still own it) because of my up stiars neighbor who moved in after me and smokes. I tried everything, pleading with him, fans, diffusers, living behind closed doors and giving up the beautiful Miami fresh air and nothing worked; my chest and lungs hurt and I would wake up hoarse from his night time habit. I had to move. In the end, he is the looser. I left him to destroy his lungs each day.
In the last year have you learned or improved on any skills?
Yes, public speaking. My biggest fear was to get up in front of an audience and speak. I was terrible at it. All I thought about up there was ME and what the audience was thinking of ME. I did not relate or connect at all. I joined Toastmasters on my daughters suggestion, a wonderful organization, and now....... give me an audience and I will speak. I watch the audience closely to see if I am holding their attention. If I see anyone glancing at their watch, I change my tone quicky.
Do you have any rituals you follow when finishing a piece of work? Yes, What's next?
Who has influenced you throughout your career as a writer?
My teacher and class mates at Dade County College; also two friends.
What is the most important thing in your life right now?....
Promoting my book till it reaches the big screen or something profound comes out of it.
What are you currently working on?
Promoting, promoting, promoting and promoting; It is taking me to the unknown; everyday is something new in achieving my goals..
Do you have any advice for writers or readers?
For writers; my advice is to keep writing, get your message out there. Unfortuantely one will never get rich from writing sans a national author. I find myself constantly going through swinging doors and the challenge is to open one.
For Readers, contacting the new author and critiquing good or bad is a wonderful gift.
Is there an author that inspired you to write?
I cannot say so, although during the time I was finishing my book, Eat, Pray and Love was the best seller and I ate, prayed , and loved mine would be too.
What are some of your long term goals?
Well, I would like to become famous. Yes I would. Nothing would make me happier than being on national tv, or giving continued lectures on inspiring women and a few good men to live agelessly and passionately. Then of course selling the movie rights.
What do you feel has been your greatest achievement as an author?When people tell me I have inspired them to change something for the better in their lives.
What do you feel is your biggest strength?
Perfection in achieving my goals. I am unstoppable and find it difficult to take no for an answer. Sometimes I have to restrain my self so to keep the door open for another time, rather than being tenacious as I can easily be. . I am not shy about knocking on doors.
Biggest weakness?
Promoting myself on the internet. That is why I am talking to you.
What do you feel sets this book apart from others in the same genre?
It tells the truth and that sometimes is not easy. I am candid in my writing escpecially about what it took to cross the racial boundry having grown up in the 50's... It tells the truth about passionate rewarding sex between two 60 year olds. Too many young people do not think that older people have sex.... Yes we do, I tell them.
You know the scenario – you’re stuck on an island.† What book would you bring with you and why?
The dictonary. Can you imagine how my vocabulary would be increased when I left the island.
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
The day my mom collapsed in my arms. and passed away weeks later.
Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?† In what way/s?
Oh my goodness yes. On the race issue alone; I no longer see color. I date both races now and have well crossed over the racial boundry. I worte a book. Who would believe that? As I said in my book, I started out as a daisy and have grown into a giant sunflower and all in five years.
What is the most important lesson you have learned from life so far?
To be compassionate; to tell the truth. I was never a person that lied, but I would be shy or embarressed to say what I meant or reveal much about myself. I have learned to open up and walk my talk and say what I mean; once again I could slow down a bit in that department and keep my mouth shut at times. Who wouldn't?
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?
I regret not making more investments in South Beach in Miami, which became my home. I was given the opportunity to be a very wealthy woman because I was there first. I was fearful of loosing money that I did not have. Had I borrowed, WOW. I would have had untold wealth. Looking back on it, nobody lost. It was a sure bet. I guess the lesson is to take the opportunity when it is given to you in life. Opportunities are hard to come by. I regret not staying closer to my parents and not being nicer to them. Who knew, that they were so precious.
What is your favorite past-time?
oh well, now? the computer, sending newsletters about my book, getting responses from reader and answering them.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Live your dreams and do not listen to your friends if they try to stop them!
About the Book
A late 60 year old, interracial, innovative, passionate couple travel from Miami to Montreal in a hot yellow mustang convertible visiting family and friends that takes the reader far past the turns of the road.
Cleverly written in flashbooks, this memoir is about life: Marriage, children, grandchildren, race, sex, guilt, loneliness, birthday parties, facelifts, travel, and obsession.
When her lover walked out, it was obsession that drove her to write. Carol Sue Gershman took all of her negative energy and pain and turned it into a book. She hoped that she would shock him with their story; they would read it together, realize their mistakes and go right back together again. She describes her obsession at this age not to be any different from when she was 14 years old.
This book is long overdue; Having grown up in the 50’s she holds back nothing about what it took for her to cross the racial boundary. She details older people having passionate sex telling the younger generations, YES WE DO.
In this page turning and sometimes humorous memoir, she lives agelessly and passionately. Women and a few good men will learn that THEY CAN TOO, if they do not pay any attention to how old they are!
Explore your own passion and purpose as you read this sizzling memoir.
4 years ago
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